Transition (LGR) Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Work Programme 2022/23


December meeting




Consideration by Executive

IT infrastructure, support and operation at day 1

To provide the Committee with details of progress to innovate and modernise ways of working through the LGR process in the area of IT infrastructure, support and operations.

Officers TBC




To consider the arrangements in place for Licensing as part of the new unitary council, including the new Taxi Licensing policy and the feedback received from the ongoing public consultation.

Officers TBC


22 February 2023 County Council




Thursday 19 January 2023 at 2pm




Consideration by Executive

LGR Assets

To consider the assets position for the new unitary council

Jon Holden – Head of Property Service, NYCC



Economic Development and Tourism

To look at the impact of LGR to economic development and support for businesses, particularly SMEs. Also, the support to be given to businesses in sectors such as tourism.

Dave Caulfield, Assistant Director - Growth Planning and Trading Standards, NYCC and Trevor Watson, Director of Economy, Environment and Housing, Harrogate Borough Council


Let’s Talk

Consultation outcomes

Officers TBC










Other potential topics to be considered:

Double devolution process – Reviewing town / parish council pilots

Area Committees

Member Support

LGR Programme Update


Will Baines

Principal Democratic Services and Scrutiny Officer

T: 01609 533885, E: